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Bosch Rexroth to Acquire Elmo Motion Control

Bosch Rexroth to Acquire Elmo Motion Control


Elmo Motion Control and Bosch Rexroth (owned by Bosch Group) have signed a merger agreement in which Bosch Rexroth acquires Elmo’s entire activities, assets and staff. The purchase price was not disclosed, but the Israeli newspaper Calcalist mentioned a tag price of $700 million for the deal. The transaction is subject to antitrust approvals. Elmo Motion Control is based on Petach-Tikva, near Tel Aviv. It develops and produces electrical high-end servo drives and motion controls for industrial automation.

Elmo is planned to remain as an Israel entity, with local management and retaining the current staff of 330 employees. Bosch said its intentions are to enhance Elmo’s capabilities of developing and manufacturing the most advanced motion and servo control products. “There is continuously growing demand for smart automation and Industry 4.0 solutions,” said Thomas Fechner, Head of the Bosch Rexroth Automation and Electrification Solutions Business Unit. “We are strengthening our portfolio both organically and through acquisitions.”

“Factory automation is a clear focus topic at Bosch Rexroth. Elmo’s technology enables us to integrate drives the size of a smartphone into robots or autonomous transport vehicles, for example,” says Fechner. “Elmo technologies thus open up new fields of application that pose special technological challenges, such as autonomous transport vehicles, service robotics, or the decentralized arrangement of drives in machines.”

Elmo Motion Control specializes in sophisticated, yet compact servo drives and motion control for advanced machines in the segments semiconductor, electronic manufacturing, electrical industry, robotics, medical, automated guided vehicles (AGV), automatic warehousing, and the packaging and food industry. Elmo was founded in 1988 by the CEO and owner Haim Monhait. In addition to the main location in Israel, the company maintains an assembly site in Poland.

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