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Coal pile temperature measuring rod temperature monitoring system

Coal pile temperature measuring rod temperature monitoring system


In recent years, with the emergence of new technologies such as natural gas, new energy, and solar energy, the coal market has been in oversupply and sales have been poor. All production mines have experienced coal backlogs to varying degrees in ground coal storage yards or cylindrical coal storage bunkers. Long-term piled coal is exposed in coal yards or bunkers, and spontaneous combustion often occurs. Coal generally starts to spontaneously combust from the oxidation layer, which is 2 to 5 meters above the surface of the coal seam. Spontaneous combustion of coal piles causes direct economic losses to enterprises, and indirectly the harmful gases produced by spontaneous combustion pollute the surrounding environment and affect the corporate image. In order to effectively prevent and control the spontaneous combustion of coal piles, our company has proposed a wireless temperature measurement system (temperature measurement cable ) and a wireless plug-in coal pile thermometer that can monitor coal piles in real time by studying the causes and processes of oxidation and spontaneous combustion of ground coal piles. This is necessary to prevent and solve the current widespread problem of spontaneous combustion of coal piles, reduce economic losses, maintain corporate image, and protect the environment. Wireless, this system is an instrument system for measuring the internal temperature
of coal piles and coal yards . Using wireless coal pile thermometers to measure the internal temperature of coal piles is an important means of temperature measurement management in coal yards. It can timely understand the heating conditions inside the coal piles, take measures as soon as possible, eliminate the occurrence of spontaneous combustion of coal piles, and prevent the serious consequences of spontaneous combustion of coal piles in coal yards. The temperature sensor of the wireless coal pile thermometer has a needle-shaped structure and is made of very strong steel. It does not bend or break when inserted into the coal pile, and can smoothly measure the temperature of the coal pile. The conventional lengths of the temperature probe are 1 meter, 1.5 meters, 2 meters, 3 meters, and can reach 6 meters in length; the coal pile temperature measurement cable is mainly used for circular coal piles. The specification and length of the temperature measurement cable are customized according to customer needs. Multiple temperature sensors are arranged inside the temperature measurement cable, and the line is built-in with 5mm thick steel wire, which is tensile, pit impact, and wear-resistant. The temperature sensor can be evenly distributed at multiple measurement points according to the actual needs of customers, and can measure the temperature of coal at different depths.   The system consists of multiple wireless plug-in coal pile thermometers and a public host. It is equipped with automatic flashing sound alarm and SMS alarm function for warning temperature. After many years of practical application, it has received high praise from many customers.   Product advantages:
It adopts the integration of layering, automatic collection, timed collection, wireless transmission, modeling display graphic curve list, comprehensive functions, reliable performance, explosion-proof design , reasonable price, convenient and flexible use, no environmental restrictions, long transmission distance, and built-in battery life of up to 10 years.

Introduction to the online automatic monitoring system for coal pile temperature of Inner Mongolia Deming Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

According to the requirements, when the temperature of the coal pile exceeds 60℃, a high temperature alarm will be triggered, and cooling measures should be taken quickly. When the temperature exceeds 80℃, a high temperature alarm will be triggered, and cooling measures should be taken in time and the pile should be opened for use. If the coal pile is found to be overheated or self-ignited, fire-fighting measures such as spraying water to reduce humidity on the self-igniting coal and spraying water on the pile must be taken. In order to prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal pile, ensure the personal safety of the coal yard workers, ensure the safe and stable operation of the coal yard equipment, and reduce the loss of coal, Inner Mongolia Deming Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. has developed an intelligent wireless temperature remote monitoring system. Compared with the traditional temperature measurement design method, it saves time and effort, can achieve 24-hour unmanned monitoring, has high accuracy and is not affected by the environment, and has high cost performance. It has been widely used in the field of coal pile temperature monitoring in major coal yards, yards, etc., and its reliability and stability have been verified in many projects.

The wireless transmission distance is up to 1000 meters, and it is directly transmitted to the central control room through the concentrator gateway . When configuring 3G, 4G, and 5G modules, there is no distance limit, and it can be directly transmitted to the central control room through the telecommunications department gateway.

Collection Gateway

Product Features

The acquisition gateway shields the differences between the various communication protocols. Users do not need to understand the CAN communication protocol or the more complex TCP/IP protocol. They only need to refer to the configuration of the corresponding registers in the manual to achieve transparent transmission between different interfaces. During data transmission, each serial port and CAN interface of TG900 is assigned an independent port number, and the load data received by the serial port or CAN device is sent out through the network interface; conversely, the local host or remote host can also remotely access each interface in parallel through the Internet, realizing transparent data transmission between interfaces.

1. Introduction to the coal pile thermometer system:

The rise of the Internet of Things industry has driven the progress of intelligent industrialization. The coal pile thermometer is a manifestation of environmental monitoring based on the Internet of Things. It uses wireless sensing technology, radio frequency networking technology, security video monitoring technology, GPRS technology, big data processing technology, BS architecture application technology, etc. Application scope: food processing industries such as food fermentation and brewing, as well as industrial data collection fields such as geological detection, sludge composting, coal pile temperature monitoring, and granary temperature monitoring. Its advantages are layered detection and the distribution of different detection layers of the same detection point can be customized according to user needs.

2. System Overview and Definition
2.1 System Description
The wireless coal pile thermometer and wireless L temperature measurement cable are the core of the entire system. Their main function is to accurately collect the internal temperature data of the coal pile and store it in the thermometer and the acquisition extension. The temperature measurement host receives data and uploads data.
2.2 Technical indicators
Size of wireless temperature measuring rod: 1 meter - 6 meters

Wireless L temperature measurement cable: customized length and temperature sensing points according to customers
Wireless temperature measurement rod housing: stainless steel
Temperature range: -55~125 degrees

Temperature measurement accuracy: 0.3 degrees

Temperature measurement resolution: 0.1 degrees
Wireless transmission distance: 500 meters, no distance limit for GPRS mode transmission

Wireless L transmission distance: RF upload line of sight 3 km or GPRS mode transmission without distance limit

Wireless power supply: built-in battery

Wireless L power supply: external noble energy battery or 220V room power
Ambient temperature: -40~60 degrees Celsius

3. Communication transmission
Wireless through RF networking, GPRS upload, server processing display, SMS alarm

Wireless L cable networking, RF upload or GPRS upload, software display, SMS alarm
Power saving mode: software wake-up, host computer software wake-up collection, no collection power supply, effectively increase the battery and equipment life.

3.1 Networking technology
A temperature measuring host can receive 256 wireless coal pile temperature measuring instruments

One temperature measurement extension can connect multiple wireless L temperature measurement cables and measure 512 temperature probes.

4. Main functions of monitoring software:
receiving and processing data, and performing real-time control and alarm processing.
1) The software monitors the changes of each temperature measurement point on site in real time
2) Real-time recording of data of each temperature point
3) Query temperature change curve at any time
4) Print temperature data reports of different time periods
5) Flashing alarm, sound alarm, SMS alarm when temperature exceeds the limit
6) Realize simultaneous monitoring of on-site temperature conditions by various departments
7) Realize remote monitoring of on-site temperature conditions


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